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October 21, 2004

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Trinka Porrata, President
Project GHB

Project GHB “A Friend To Have" Award Recipients

Project GHB , a non-profit organization committed to preventing abuse, rape and death involving the drug gamma hydroxy butyrate (GHB) today announced the 2004 recipients for the “A Friend To Have Award.” This year's awards go to Rosemary Roberts for her Internet radio three-part series featuring GHB issues via , and to “ Lynn , “assistant manager for the Project GHB Addiction Message Board, for her efforts to help others through the maze of withdrawal and recovery from GHB addiction, following her own two-year active addiction to GHB.

To counter the prevailing myth that people overdosing on the drug gamma hydroxy butyrate (GHB) should be allowed to “just sleep it off,” Project GHB initiated the “A Friend To Have Award” honoring those

1--with the courage not to let friends or others die needlessly from this dangerous drug,

2--those who have escaped its addictive grip and taken time to help others, and

3--those who have contributed dramatically to GHB prevention/treatment issues.

Rosemary Roberts was nominated due to the three-part series she did early this year via her Internet Radio program, The Patient's Voice, , and her tireless efforts during Project GHB's battle to get a nail polish remover, Once Removed, a product containing gamma butyrolactone (GBL), an active analog of GHB, as its primary ingredient off the market. Affectionately dubbed “OR” by its abusers, this product had become a primary source of GBL for numerous addicts nationwide and the cause of numerous overdoses in emergency rooms nationwide as well. GBL converts to GHB rapidly in the human body, making it equal to GHB in terms of abuse potential. GBL is a legitimate industrial chemical (a paint stripping chemical) that is simply unnecessary in any over-the-counter product such as nail polish remover. Efforts are underway to prevent further products of this type from surfacing in the “legitimate” consumer market. Families in crisis in several states were battling for the very lives of their loved ones, addicted to GHB and relying heavily on pharmacies in their communities for OR to feed their addiction. Once family spent $26,000 in addiction detoxification and rehabilitation on their son, only to have him take his first moment out of treatment to buy OR in a pharmacy, consume some and crash his car.

The three-part series covered a wide array of issues, from over the counter product abuse to GHB rape/addiction/death, and other drugs as well. The series is still available to be heard via the “past programs” link on her site. Project GHB is a non-profit organization with limited volunteer staffing time. Roberts assisted Project GHB's efforts through her investigative efforts to identify companies responding to our call to remove the item and those ignoring our efforts. Ultimately Walgreens, Brooks and others removed the product once they learned about the problem and the company producing it reformulated it, eliminating the key ingredient of concern. The new bottles have been tested to assure compliance and will be tested periodically. Of course, several bottles of the original product continued to be sold on Ebay at double the price for awhile.

Rosemary Roberts is the founder of GirlOnPoint© , a creative services firm specializing in custom medical and business content for education, advertising and marketing efforts, She has long been an advocate for consumers. A freelance writer first published in 1993, Rosemary was the writer for " California's Emerging Healthcare Advocate: You !", a consumer's guide to choosing a healthcare plan -- their rights and responsibilities. With over twenty years experience in the medical field as a clinical manager, patient educator, clerical coordinator and creator of policy in the area of patient advocacy, Rosemary is also producer and host of The Patient's Voice and The Patient's Voice California, both Internet radio programs centered around today's healthcare consumer . Her passion as a lecturer to high-risk teens, beginning in the early 80's, and her dedication to the promotion of timely and effective emergency medical information for at-risk individuals and seniors within the assisted living environment today, encompass a career of advocacy dedicated to the inspiration and education of consumers through collaborative efforts with both grassroots America and the corporate world.

Prior recipients of this award include:

Sidney Ray of Roger sville, Missouri, was awarded (March 2003) the “A Friend to Have Award” for her insistence on getting medical treatment for a friend who had overdosed on GHB (having accidentally picked up the wrong drink). Trying to reach her friend on the phone, Ms. Ray learned that her friend was unconscious from an overdose when someone else answered his cell phone. She returned to the club, was disturbed by her friend's condition and took him to the hospital, in spite of the insistence of those around him to just leave him on his side and let him sleep it off. By the time he arrived at the emergency room, the friend's heart rate was dangerously low and doctors said her friend might well have died without medical intervention at that time. In fact, this award was created as a result of this incident.

“Ira” of Buffalo Grove, Illinois , and “ Aaron” of Alexandria , Virginia , were the other first-round recipients (March 2003) of the award. Both Ira and Aaron know all too well how difficult it is to escape from addiction to GHB, and have spent countless hours helping others through the maze of recovery. Their dedication to keeping a positive tone to the Project GHB Addiction Message Board, accessed via , has aided many working to get off of GHB and onward to a healthy existence.

Doctors Stephen Smith (Minneapolis), Christopher D'Amanda (Philadelphia), Karen Miotto (Los Angeles), Alex Stalcup (San Francisco), Deborah Zvosec (Minneapolis) and Jo Ellen Dyer (San Francisco) were all presented A Friend To Have Awards at the May 2003 national GHB conference in Orlando for their dedication to GHB issues, especially addiction/withdrawal. All of these doctors are involved in seeking the best treatment for the potentially severe withdrawal from GHB and in spreading the word to others in the medical community. All but Dr. D'Amanda are published and/or involved in grant funded research on GHB issues but have given time and expertise far beyond the call of duty (unpaid time on the phone with addicts, their families and other medical personnel). Dr. D'Amanda was “recruited” in Philly when a GHB addict needed help shortly after the GHB Addiction Helpline was started and has since treated a number of cases and has given freely of his time in helping others. All six presented at the May 2003 conference.

Oscar Anzaldo , United Way, Stockton, California , was presented with the Project GHB award in May 2003 for the ongoing financial support and encouragement that he and the Stockton United Way have given to Project GHB.

GHB addiction more often impacts bodybuilders and others who started taking it for the unsubstantiated claims that GHB is a safe sleep aid, workout aid, anti-depressant or anti-aging substance than the partygoers users. Hundreds of Internet websites falsely proclaim GHB to be a safe and wondrous substance and give no forewarning of how addictive and dangerous it can be. GHB has a prolonged and often severe detoxification/withdrawal syndrome (typically 10-14 days) with ongoing depression and anxiety issues.

Project GHB has tracked more than 300 GHB related deaths, including all too many from accidental overdoses on other medications while trying to self-medicate to detox from GHB without adequate medical care. Few treatment facilities are familiar with this drug and its withdrawal process. And, several suicides related to GHB withdrawal have been encountered.

The myth that GHB overdose victims should be ignored and allowed to sleep it off has resulted in numerous deaths. Friends simply party on while the person lies dying or near death. They often describe that their friend was snoring (GHB causes a rather distinctive snoring in many cases) and they assumed all was well. Bogus websites and even bogus labels of illegal GHB product bottles often even say not to bother calling for help as it will result in “unnecessary” and expensive medical services. Many of those who have died from GHB would be alive if someone had called for help! GHB overdose victims may lose their gag reflex and can easily die in the tub or spa or in their own vomit when left unattended and without medical treatment.

These recipients are proof that people do care about others and can make a difference. Each was presented with a clock/calculator engraved “A Friend To Have.”





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